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3 important reasons you need a daily quiet time with God now

You’ve heard people talk about having a quiet time. You know, spending time with God every day worshiping, reading the Bible, and praying. Sounds good, right?

But you’re busy. Your schedule is already full. You can probably wait and spend time with God in the future. When life slows down a bit. When you have more time. After you get through this.

But what if I told you that you are missing out on one of the best things in life?

On the one thing you need now more than ever?

And that spending time with God every day will give you what you need to get through what you are going through right now?

Here are the three main ways that spending time alone with God will benefit you:

1. So you know what to do

Begin by picking a place and a time to be alone with God every day. Choose a comfortable chair or sofa. Somewhere quiet in your home, if at all possible. Decide the time of day that works best for you.

Me? I prefer to do my quiet time with God early every morning. Before the busyness of the day washes me out to sea, out of sight of land. If I get up and start my day without spending time with my Heavenly Father, I find myself bobbing up and down on the waves of worry, fear, and life’s demands. That’s when I have to call out to God during the day to throw me a life preserver.

Know what? I’ve discovered I’m better off to get in the boat with God as each day begins. That way, I go over the waves, instead of them washing over me. I can see better. And, God knows where we are going.

You may prefer to sit with God in the evening, after the day’s work is done. I know some women who do. That’s okay. You just have to figure out what works best for you.

Once you come up with a place and time that work for you, put your God appointment on your calendar and keep your appointment like you would with a doctor or a friend. Take it seriously.

Tip: deliberately leave your phone in another room while you spend time with God. Trust me on this. The friend group messages and the funny memes can wait.

Something wonderful happens when you hit the pause button on life for a few minutes to worship God.

So, you’ve slipped into your designated place at the appointed time and left your phone in another room. You’re ready to be in God’s Presence. Now what?


Something wonderful happens when you hit the pause button on life for a few minutes to worship God. As you praise God and thank Him for Who He is, you will suddenly realize He’s God. You are not. You don’t have to know everything or figure everything out. That is comforting.

Here are just a few reasons you can find in the Bible to worship God with your whole heart:

After you worship God, open His Word, the Bible, and read it. Ask God to help you understand what you read and apply it to your life His way.


One way is to do an online daily devotional. This is a good one for women: After you click the link, scroll down to sign up by email for the devotional.

You may prefer an actual devotional book you can hold in your hands. Here’s one that many people I know have done over and over because it is so powerful:

Personally, I like to participate in a women’s Bible study group that meets weekly and has homework for me to do. That way, I feel consistently motivated to daily read my Bible and answer the homework questions in whatever Bible study book my group is currently doing.

I have studied the life of Jesus, the journeys of Paul, the fruits of the Spirit, how to pray over everything and everyone in my life, God’s design for marriage, what the Bible says about raising kids, God’s gift of sex, and much more in the 25 years that I’ve been part of Bible studies for women. And, I still have so very much to learn about the Bible.

God whispered to me just what I needed to know as I turned the pages in these Bible Study books, writing my answers to questions asked and spilling coffee–and a few tears.

Know what else? I learn from the other women in the group. From their insights. From their life experiences. And, I treasure the sweet fellowship with my sisters in Christ each week. We laugh. We cry. We pray together. We do life together.

As you get in the daily habit of spending time with God, you will learn to recognize His voice.

Want to find a women’s Bible study group near you? Check with your local church. Ask your friends and family members.

Whether you choose an online devotional or a devotional book or a Bible study book, you will need your own copy of the Bible.

I use a Life Application Study Bible (NIV translation) so I can make notes in the margins:

If you’d rather read an online version, try this free Bible app:

I keep this Bible app on my phone so I always have a Bible with me–traveling, waiting in line somewhere, trying to remember a Bible verse, etc.

Don’t be surprised if the words in the Bible seem to leap off the page. At just the right time in your life.

As you get in the daily habit of spending time with God, you will learn to recognize His voice.

God WILL speak to you. In your spirit. Quietly. Not necessarily out loud like He did to Moses. (That would be amazing. And terrifying.)

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27

And your Heavenly Father will tell you what you need to know. Don’t be surprised if the words in the Bible seem to leap off the page. At just the right time in your life.

How do I know? Because that’s what God does for me. And that’s what He does for many women I know.

Here are some examples:

2. So you know what NOT to do

Ever tell a two-year-old not to touch the oven or stove because it’s hot and will burn him/her? You don’t want to see a child get hurt, right?

As an adult, you see dangers that children don’t. Dangers like hot stoves, cars heading toward you in a parking lot, and sharp knives. You know more than a child does.

God not only knows more than you do–He knows everything. He knows what will hurt you. He loves you and doesn’t want to see you hurt. That’s why God tells you in the Bible what NOT to do.

Always remember, God didn’t give us rules to live by to keep us from having fun–but to keep us from being harmed.

If you read and study the Bible every day, you will come across God’s instructions to you that will keep you from a lot of hurt.

Here is a simple one: “In your anger, do not sin.” Ephesians 4:26

Now, why does God tell you not to sin when you are angry? People hurt you. You feel angry. Surely it’s okay to give someone who’s hurt you a piece of your mind, right?


God knows that when you are angry (and usually also hurt by someone), your natural tendency is to strike back, saying and doing things that harm relationships.

If you put God first in your life, you will have a remarkable story to tell.

I’ve done this. If you are honest, you will admit that you have, too.

You definitely want to heed the warning found in Proverbs 14:1: “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” Yikes!

Here are some other mistakes God tells us to avoid:

As you read and think about what the Bible says, you will learn many pitfalls you can avoid. Be sure to pray, asking God to help you.

Always remember, God didn’t give us rules to live by to keep us from having fun–but to keep us from being harmed.

3. So you can tell others

If you put God first in your life, you will have a remarkable story to tell. Stories of deliverance. Of overcoming. Of answered prayers. Of knowing what to do–and what not to do. And how much God loves you.

You know what? You will want to tell others. Interestingly enough, God says in the Bible to tell others:

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20

You definitely will want to tell your kiddos your stories about God working in your life.

“We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.” Psalm 78:4

Who doesn’t like a good story, right?

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